[ReginalOL] HDU 4043

BabbleDay posted @ 2013年8月25日 00:37 in 刷题防身 , 1015 阅读


Target: If the noob's HP is less than the master's, the noob will lose. Calculate the possiblity that noob wins.

Main Idea:

Assume there are n snowballs, so the damages are 2^0, 2^1,..., 2^(N-1). Let Pn be the possiblity of noob winning in the n snowballs game. Note that Pn also means the prossiblity that the noob has less damage than the master within n snowballs of different damages, that is to say, at this time the noob won't die.

We can see that the 2^(N-1) snowball decides who win in the n snowball game, so we need to throw it to the master. Another point is that we need to make sure that the master always has more damage than the noob.


when the 2^(N-1) snowball is the 1st snowball, we throw it to the master => (1/2)*P0 , P0 == 1

when the 2^(N-1) snowball is the 2nd snowball, we throw it to the master => (1/2)*P1,

    P1 means the first ball should make sure the noob has less damage

when the 2^(N-1) snowball is the 3rd snowball, we throw it to the master => (1/2)*P2

    P2 means the first two balls should make sure the noob has less damage


when the 2^(N-1) snowball is the nth snowball, we throw it to the master => (1/2)*Pn-1

Besides, in each case we need to pick the first m balls from all n balls and pick the 2^(N-1) ball from the rest, so [(n-m)/n)] * [1/(n-m)] is the possiblity of picking the 2^(N-1) ball and placing it after the first m balls.

Finally, we can get the equation:

Pn = P0 * (1/2) * [(n-0)/n] * [1/n] + P1 * (1/2) * [(n-1)/n] * [1/(n-1)] + ... + Pn-1 * (1/2) * [(1)/n] * [1/1]

Pn-1 = P0 * (1/2) * [(n-1-0)/(n-1)] * [1/(n-1)] + P1 * (1/2) * [(n-1-1)/(n-1)] * [1/(n-1-1)] + ... + Pn-2 * (1/2) * [1/(n-1)] * [1/1]

Then we can get the recursion formula:

Pn = (2*n-1)/(2*n)/Pn-1

This is the code written by another one using JAVA BigInteger


import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class HDOJ_1212 {
	public static void main(String[] str) {
		Integer num;
		BigInteger tmp;
		BigInteger[] fenzi = new BigInteger[505];
		BigInteger[] fenmu = new BigInteger[505];
		Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in);
		int k, n;
		fenzi[0] = new BigInteger("1");
		fenmu[0] = new BigInteger("1");
		for (int i = 1; i <= 500; i++) {
			num = 2 * i - 1;
			tmp = new BigInteger(num.toString());
			fenzi[i] = fenzi[i - 1].multiply(tmp);
			num = 2 * i;
			tmp = new BigInteger(num.toString());
			fenmu[i] = fenmu[i - 1].multiply(tmp);
			tmp = gcd(fenzi[i], fenmu[i]);
			fenzi[i] = fenzi[i].divide(tmp);
			fenmu[i] = fenmu[i].divide(tmp);
		while (cin.hasNext()) {
			k = cin.nextInt();
			for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
				n = cin.nextInt();
				System.out.println(fenzi[n].toString() + "/"
						+ fenmu[n].toString());

	public static BigInteger gcd(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) {
		if (b.equals(new BigInteger("0")))
			return a;
			return gcd(b, a.mod(b));
MIS NCVT Result 说:
2022年8月09日 20:26

NCVT stands for National Council for Vocational Training, an advisory body set up by Government of India. This council established with responsibilities of prescribing curriculum and standards for craftsmen training and bringing notice to the Government of India. MIS NCVT Result The NCVT runs under skill development and entrepreneurship by Government of India. The curriculum is specific to various pieces of training like national trade, craftsmen and respective certificates issued by the Government.

Khajane 2 Challan Ge 说:
2023年1月22日 19:57

K2 challan also referred to as Khajane 2, an integrated financial management system from the Government of Karnataka. The K2 has been brought into working with an aim to manage the financial business of the government. Khajane 2 Challan Generation It works to simplify the process of remittance of departments under government by bringing an option of anywhere-anytime payment options. Firstly every department under the government of Karnataka will have access to Khajane 2 which allows their customers to remit to the government through the easy payment links provided.

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