This is just a sad story about my arch... I wrote this to remind myself that learn to calm down and make rational decision and operation when something bad happen.
Fine... I am now using Linux Mint for the emergence action...
and Mint is so sweet, nothing to worry about but the input method you need to install by yourself.
GRUB双启动,屏幕的亮度调节,root下运行Chromium,chromium+goagent,vim配置文件,安装yaourt & Adobe Flash Player,totem解码补充安装
Abstract: This is a record of archlinux installation with necessary commands. It provides the general idea of ARCHLINUX INSTALLATION which could be more comprehensible than wiki for newbies.
// Since I am a totally newbie~^0^~ It is always appreciated it you can pick out some mistakes in my article~
概要: 这是Arch Linux安装过程思路整理,是本人在安装过程中学习理解的整理,或许比wiki更适合新手快速获得直观的印象。
Without deep understanding of Arch Linux, you can just input the commands and get some kind of general understanding of what you have done.