The popular brand Tenda supplies various wireless routers which well known for easy configuration of the WiFi network. Once a new Router bought, one should make it ready to configure such that their LAN connection does move to WiFi to used by multiple devices. Tenda Tenda is the most preferred brand in customer premises wireless equipment due to its good range and stable connection. This difference in Bandwidth does allow the WiFi Router to handle better internet for any kind of bandwidth requested.
2013年7月18日 19:58
目前最好的 LaTeX 教程是今年 6 月份新出的《LaTeX 入门》这本书。
2013年7月20日 03:26
@rca: 是刘海洋的那本吗?买本来学习下~~谢啦~~
2013年7月20日 14:35
@BabbleDay: 是的。我有一本,感觉这是这几年国内的计算机类书写的最用心的一本 :)
2023年2月02日 05:57
The popular brand Tenda supplies various wireless routers which well known for easy configuration of the WiFi network. Once a new Router bought, one should make it ready to configure such that their LAN connection does move to WiFi to used by multiple devices. Tenda Tenda is the most preferred brand in customer premises wireless equipment due to its good range and stable connection. This difference in Bandwidth does allow the WiFi Router to handle better internet for any kind of bandwidth requested.