use Processing to run a program on android device

S1 make Arch 64 compatible with lib32: install lib32-* from [multilib]

# vim /etc/pacman.conf

    => [multilib]

    SigLevel = PackageRequired

    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

# pacman -Syu ---- update multilib to local database


S2 install android_sdk

# pacman -S android-sdk android-sdk-platform-tools android-sdk-build-tools

[Alt + F2] android ---- run Android SDK Manager

    => makesure the following:

     Underneath “Tools”, check the box for “Android SDK Platform-tools”. (The “Android SDK Tools” item will already be installed.)
     Beneath “Android 2.3.3 (API 10)”, select “SDK Platform”. (As of Processing 2.0b7, you no longer need to include the “Google APIs” item.)

S3 lauch Processing and add ''Android Mode'' to Processing

    If there is a warning about missing ANDROID_SDK variable,
   choose 'yes' (installed sdk) and choose the directory '' / → opt → android_sdk ''


S4 write the simple program and run it on ur phone

        void setup(){}
void draw(){  background(0);  rect(mouseX, mouseY, 100, 100);  }



Longest Common Subsequence



bool init()
    getline(cin, str1);
    m = str1.length();
    if(m==0) return false;
    getline(cin, str2);
    n = str2.length();
    return true;


设str1[1,2,3...m] str2[1,2,3...n]
a[t][m] t是滚动数组标志,遍历str2的所有作为行i
所以 a[t][j] = a[1-t][j-1] + 1 when str1[i] == str2[j]
                       max { a[1-t][j] , a[t][j-1] } otherwise

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#define max(a, b) a>b?a:b

using namespace std;

string str1;
string str2;
int m=0;
int n=0;

bool init()
    getline(cin, str1);
    m = str1.length();
    if(m==0) return false;
    getline(cin, str2);
    n = str2.length();
    return true;

void the_case()
    int a[2][m+1];
    memset(a, 0, sizeof(a));
    int t=0;
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
        memset(a[t], 0, sizeof(a[t]));
        for(int j=1; j<m+1; j++)
            if( ==
                a[t][j] = a[1-t][j-1] + 1;
                a[t][j] = max( a[t][j-1], a[1-t][j] );
        t = 1-t;
    cout << a[1-t][m] << endl;

int main()
    return 0;


Longest Increasing Subsequence

Longest Increasing Subsequence

Given a sequence a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n, find the largest subset such that for every i < j, ai < aj.

O(nlogn) solution

Let Ai,j be the smallest possible tail out of all increasing subsequences of length j using elements a_1, a_2, a_3, \ldots, a_i.
Ai,j 在这里表示原数组a_1, a_2, a_3, \ldots, a_i里长度为j的递增子序列的可能的最小的末尾(例:对j=2有“14”和“13”则Ai,2表示3)
for any particular i, A_{i,1} < A_{i,2} < \ldots < A_{i,j}这是观察所得规律,因其单增,故可用二分法
This suggests that if we want the longest subsequence that ends with ai + 1, we only need to look for a j such that Ai,j < ai + 1 < = Ai,j + 1 and the length will be j + 1.

Notice that in this case, Ai + 1,j + 1 will be equal to ai + 1, and all Ai + 1,k will be equal to Ai,k for k \ne j + 1.

Furthermore, there is at most one difference between the set Ai and the set Ai + 1, which is caused by this search.

Since A is always ordered in increasing order, and the operation does not change this ordering, we can do a binary search for every single a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n.

Further explain:--GONG Zhi Tao 11:19, 1 August 2012 (EDT)

We have elements: a_1, a_2, a_3, \ldots, a_i.

And we have a longest increasing subsequences of them: A_{i,1} < A_{i,2} < \ldots < A_{i,j}, for any Ai,k(1 < = k < = j) you could not find a smaller alternative.

Now we have a new element: ai + 1

What we can do about it:

1. insert it at the back if Ai,j < ai + 1, where we will have a longer one;

2. make it an alternative for Ai,k if A_{i,k-1} < a_{i+1}\ AND\ a_{i+1} <= A_{i,k}

Alternative means that we MIGHT get longer ones if using the new element.


#include <vector>
using namespace std;
/* Finds longest strictly increasing subsequence. O(n log k) algorithm. */
void find_lis(vector<int> &a, vector<int> &b)
	vector<int> p(a.size());
	int u, v;
	if (a.empty()) return;
	for (size_t i = 1; i < a.size(); i++) 
                // If next element a[i] is greater than last element of current longest subsequence a[b.back()], just push it at back of "b" and continue
		if (a[b.back()] < a[i]) 
			p[i] = b.back();
                // Binary search to find the smallest element referenced by b which is just bigger than a[i]
                // Note : Binary search is performed on b (and not a). Size of b is always <=k and hence contributes O(log k) to complexity.    
		for (u = 0, v = b.size()-1; u < v;) 
			int c = (u + v) / 2;
			if (a[b[c]] < a[i]) u=c+1; else v=c;
                // Update b if new value is smaller then previously referenced value 
		if (a[i] < a[b[u]]) 
			if (u > 0) p[i] = b[u-1];
			b[u] = i;
	for (u = b.size(), v = b.back(); u--; v = p[v]) b[u] = v;
/* Example of usage: */
#include <cstdio>
int main()
	int a[] = { 1, 9, 3, 8, 11, 4, 5, 6, 4, 19, 7, 1, 7 };
	vector<int> seq(a, a+sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])); // seq : Input Vector
	vector<int> lis;                              // lis : Vector containing indexes of longest subsequence 
        find_lis(seq, lis);
        //Printing actual output 
	for (size_t i = 0; i < lis.size(); i++)
		printf("%d ", seq[lis[i]]);
	return 0;


【Vector】UVA 10474 Where is the Marble?


1. #include <vector>
2. vector<int> v;
3. v.clear();
4. v.resize(int n); 将vector的大小重置为n
5. v[int i] 可通过索引i直接获取内容
6. sort(a_vector.begin(), a_vector.end()) 调用函数排序,需要algorithm包 


uva 11499 Find the Strictly Increasing Submatrix


1. 动态规划的状态记录不要局限于一维:就是不要总想着建个struct来存各种信息,倒不如直接多维来的清晰

2. 记得每个变量都要初始话: 以前用无脑的java各种默认为零,现在不初始化的结果就是core dump,重点是还总是找不到错

3. 关于core dump:先查数组越界的问题,然后再看看栈溢出和指针神马的。。

4. 滚动数组实现: t 和 1-t,就能永远在0、1中间循环了



                    若是,当前滚动数组[j1][j2] = 原滚动数组[j1][j2] + j2 - j1 + 1;
                                                             // 原滚动数组[j1][j2]记录上一行及其之前行严格递增矩阵元素个数
                    若否,当前滚动数组[j1][j2] = j2 - j1 + 1;
                    将当前滚动数组[j1][j2] 和 输出结果比较取大

注意点:j2==j1时的情况, i==0时的情况

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

#define rep(i, s, t) for(int i=s; i<t; i++)

using namespace std;

void the_case(int n, int m)
    int in[n][m];
    int a[2][m][m];
    int t=0; //勿忘初始化
    int ans = 0;
    memset(a, 0, sizeof(a));
    rep(i, 0, n)
        rep(j, 0, m)
            cin >> in[i][j];
    rep(i, 0, n)
        memset(a[t], 0, sizeof(a[t]));
        for (int j1=0; j1<m; j1++) 
            if (i==0 || in[i][j1] > in[i-1][j1])
                a[t][j1][j1] = a[1-t][j1][j1] + 1;
            else a[t][j1][j1] = 1;
            if(ans<a[t][j1][j1]) ans = a[t][j1][j1];
            rep(j2, j1+1, m)
                if(in[i][j2]>in[i][j2-1]) // j2==0越界
                    if(i==0 || in[i][j1]>in[i-1][j2])
                        a[t][j1][j2] = a[1-t][j1][j2]+j2-j1+1;
                        a[t][j1][j2] = j2-j1+1;
                    if(ans<a[t][j1][j2]) ans = a[t][j1][j2];
                else break;
        t = 1-t;
    cout << ans << endl;

int main()
    int n,m;
        cin >> n >> m;
        if(n==0 && m==0) break;
        else the_case(n,m);
    return 0;


遍历所有数, if (L[i][j1] > 1)
                         j2=j1+1 ----> j1+L[i][j1]
                              if (i!=0 && N[i][j1]>N[i-1][j2])
                                    a[t][j1][j2] = a[1-t][j1][j2] + j2 - j1 + 1;
                              else a[t][j1][j2] = j2 - j1 + 1;
                         if(i!=0 && N[i][j1] > N[i-1][j1]) a[t][j1][j1] = a[1-t][j1][j1] + 1;
                         else a[t][j1][j1] = 1;

uva 10130 Super Sale


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

#define max(a, b) ( a > b ? a: b)

using namespace std;

//store the max price with weight no more than a[i]
int a[31];

void the_case()
    memset(a, 0, sizeof(a));
    int num, p, w, maxw;
    cin >> num;
        cin >> p >> w;
        for (int i=30; i>=w; i--)//注意是倒序,从没更新的数据实现更新
            a[i] = max(a[i-w]+p, a[i]);
    cin >> num;
    int ans=0;
        cin >> maxw;
        ans += a[maxw];
        cout << ans << endl;

int main()
    int c;
    cin >> c;

uva 679 Dropping Ball



#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

void the_case()
    int depth, num;
    cin >> depth;
    num = pow(2, depth);
    bool node[num];
    for (int i=0; i<num; i++) node[i] = false;

    int n, r;
    cin >> n;
   for(int k=1; k<=n; k++) 
        int j=1;
        for (int i=1; i<depth; i++)
            if (node[j]==false)
                j = j * 2;
                j = j*2 +1;
        r = j;
    cout << r << endl;

int main()
    int n;
    cin >> n;
    while (n--)
    return 0;



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void the_case()
    int depth, no;
    unsigned int m; //注意使用unsigned在这种移位操作中
    cin >> depth >> no;
    unsigned int t=0; //同上
    m = no*2-1; //第no个变成2×no+1
    while(depth--) //数的深度等于二进制位数
        t <<= 1; //将t已有位数左移保留
        t += m&1; //这里是提取出m的最低位
        m >>= 1; //将m已经镜像的位数移去
    cout << t << endl;

int main()
    int c;
    cin >> c;
    return 0;


Notes for DP

To avoid calculate the same thing again and again, we save the results and return them later. This is commonly known as memorization (记忆).

There are two types of solution: Bottom Up & Up Bottom.

In general, DP generates all enumerations(枚举), or rather, the smaller breakdown problems, leading towards the larger cases, they eventually lead towards the final enumeration of size n.

S1. check if DP is applicable to the problem
S2. recognize the recursive relationshop, whether it is straightforward or hidden, have a pretty good idea of the relationship

#1 Optimal substructure:
      an optimal solution to a problem(instance) contains optimal solution to subproblems.
#2 Overlapping subproblem:
      a recursive solution contains a small number of distinct subproblems repeated many times

Wedding Shopping

This is my first dynamic programming problem solved by myself from beginning to end...



Given a money M (<= 200) and a list of garments C (<= 20). Each garment has K (<= 20) models. You want to buy one model for each garment and you want to spend your money as much as possible.



My solution(p.s. 拼搏了整整一天的说,还因为各中bug导致怀疑算法遗漏了什么重要部分T T)



F1的遍历从当前输入价格p入手,遍历m = left0+p -> M, F1[m] = max( F0[m-p]+p, F1[m] )

这里的意思是,因为F1中存的是K组加上可能的p后的价格,通过max保证了F1在不超过m的条件下存了最大的价值,又因为F0[0...left0]已经失效,所以从left0+p开始考虑,所以从K组遍历的角度来说状态转移方程是F1[m] = max { F0[m-pi]+pi } ( i=1..k )。



#include <iostream>

#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))

using namespace std;

void the_case()
    int M, C, K, p;
    cin >> M >> C;
    int F0 [M+1]; for (int i=0; i<M+1; i++) F0[i]=0;
    int F1 [M+1]; for (int i=0; i<M+1; i++) F1[i]=0;
    int left0 = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<C; i++)
        cin >> K;
        int left1 = M;
        for(int j=0; j<K; j++)
            cin >> p;
            left1 = min(left1, p);
            for(int m=p+left0; m<M+1; m++)
                F1[m] = max(F0[m-p]+p,F1[m]);
        left0 += left1;
        for(int l=0; l<M+1; l++) F0[l]=F1[l];
        for (int l=0; l<M+1; l++) F1[l]=0;
    if (F0[M]==0) cout << "no solution" << endl;
    else cout << F0[M] << endl;
int main()
    int N;
    cin >> N;
    return 0;